
Acic 200mg 25 Tablets – Herpes Simplex & Varicella Antiviral Genital Herpes

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The product was used in infection by herpes simplex virus ( particularly infections of the skin and mucous membrane of genital herpes – primary and frequent recurrences ), and herpes zoster . Prophylactic treatment is indicated in adults suffering from severe forms of herpes with very frequent recurrences .

What is it used Acic 200 tablets ?

Acic is used in infection by herpes simplex virus ( particularly infections of the skin and mucous membrane of genital herpes – primary and frequent recurrences ), and herpes zoster . Prophylactic treatment is indicated in adults suffering from severe forms of herpes with very frequent recurrences .

When you must not take Acic 200 tablets ?

Acic 200 should not be used in hypersensitivity to acyclovir active ingredient , any of the other ingredients of the product or to valacyclovir .

What special precautions should I follow when taking Acic 200 tablets ?

Asic 200 should be used only after consulting a doctor in patients with immune system disorders .

The product contains lactose. If you have an intolerance to some sugars, consult your doctor before taking Acic 200 .

Which other products that influence the effect of Acic 200 tablets or can be influenced by the preparation?

Probenecid ( drug , increase the levels of uric acid in the blood) reduces the release of acyclovir in the kidneys, which can lead to increased half-life of acyclovir . Observed interactions with cimetidine .

How should consider children and adults with use of Acic 200 tablets ?

In adults, occurs more frequently renal impairment than other patients. Therefore, it is advisable to monitor renal function in this patient group. Patients should drink plenty of fluids when taking the tablets. If necessary, the physician will determine the dosage.

Precautions during pregnancy and lactation ?

If necessary intake Acic 200 during pregnancy should be carefully weighed against the benefit / risk.

After administration of products containing acyclovir , the active ingredient is found in breast milk. Therefore breast-feeding should be discontinued during treatment with Acic 200 .

Driving vehicles or operating machinery.

No evidence of impaired driving or operating machines during treatment cAcic 200 .

Dosage , route and duration of administration :

Unless otherwise prescribed by Acic 200 by your doctor is recommended after dosage. Please adhere to the instructions for use , as otherwise Acic 200 will not work correctly.


Treatment of infections of herpes simplex virus

Take 1 tablet ( 200 mg of acyclovir ) 5 times a day at an interval of 4 hours. Treatment should be continued for 5 days, but in severe initial infections may be extended . In patients with severe immunodeficiency ( e.g., bone marrow transplantation ), or patients with impaired absorption ) , the dose could be doubled to 400 mg. Treatment should be initiated as early as possible after the onset of infection.

Prophylaxis in patients with normal immunity

Immunologically healthy patients received 1 tablet Acic 200 ( 200 mg acyclovir ) 4 times a day every 6 hours , respectively Acic 200 2 tablets (400 mg atsikpovir ) at intervals of 12 hours between doses . In some cases it may also be achieved with an effective prophylactic dose of 1 tablet ” of Acic ® three times a day ( 3 x 200 mg acyclovir ) at intervals of 8 hours, or 2 x 200 mg of acyclovir per day at intervals of 12 hours.

If there is a re-infection , regardless of the total daily dose of 800 mg, and in the case of a determination in infections Herpes simplex -1 Acic 200 tablet ( 200 mg of acyclovir ) is administered during the day during 4- hour intervals for a period of time 5 days . Then, the aforementioned dose should be repeated.

Therapy should be interrupted periodically at intervals of 6 to 12 months to possible changes in disease progression.

Prevention of infections caused by Herpes Simplex Virus in immunocompromised patients

A single dose of 1 tablet Asyu200 (200 mg acyclovir ) for prophylaxis 4 times a day at intervals of 6 hours.

Treatment of Varicella and Herpes Zoster, caused by Varicella Zoster Virus
For treatment of varicella and herpes zoster infections , should not be taken to 800 mg of acyclovir 5 times daily during 4 hour intervals . Treatment should continue for 7 days. Early treatment with acyclovir herpes zoster resulted in successful pain relief and may reduce the incidence of post-herpetic neuralgia .

In patients with severe immune deficiency – should be considered intravenous administration.

Treatment of patients with severe immunodeficiency, to 800 mg twice daily aciclovir 4 to 6 hours.
Severe immunosuppressed patients , e. after organ transplantation or patients with impaired intestinal absorption – single dose of 2 tablets Asic 200 (400 mg acyclovir ), 4 times a day at intervals of 6 hours. Particularly in patients with impaired intestinal absorption , can be administered as a dry substance acyclovir infusion.

The duration of prophylactic use depends on the duration of the risk period .


Described have been cases of resistance in immunosuppressive patients. : P.ri such patients should be adjusted dosage.

In patients with bone marrow transplantation , the dose / usually preceded by intravenous administration continued ^ ‘ Yang , but one meaty Treatment duration was 6 months.


Infection with Herpes Simplex Virus
Children over two years the adult dose ; Children under 2 years receive half of the adult dose .

Patients with renal insufficiency
Dosage in patients with renal insufficiency:

creatinine clearance
(ml/min/1.73 m2)
serum creatinine
(pmol / l / mg / dl) Women / Men
> 550 /> 750 /

> 6.22 > 8.48
Dosage – A single dose of 200 mg aciclovir, corresponding to 1 tablet Asyu ® 200 2 times a day in 12 hours

creatinine clearance
(ml/min/1.73 m2)
10-25 ml / min

Dosage: 800 mg three times daily at 8-hour intervals

When and how you can take tablets ?

The tablets should be taken not chewed , with a sufficient amount of fluid (e.g. a glass of water ), preferably after the meal.

In patients with impaired renal function should be paying particular attention to the adoption of the necessary amount of fluids during treatment .

Taking Asic 200 should start as soon as possible after the first symptoms of the infection. Especially in cases of recurrent infections of herpes simplex intake Acic 200 should begin at the first symptoms of relapse (eg, pruritus, sensation of tension, the first bubbles ) .

Duration of treatment

The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician . The duration of the treatment of herpes simplex virus is 5 days, but in severe initial infections may be extended . In order to prevent infection with herpes simplex virus in an immunologically healthy patients , the duration of treatment depends on the severity of the disease and the frequency of relapses . Therapy should be interrupted periodically at intervals of 6-12 months, with a view to possible changes in disease progression.

The duration of prophylactic use in patients with severe impairment of the immune system depends on the seriousness of the offense and is determined individually by a doctor.

Treatment of infections caused by varicella zoster virus continues for 7 days.


Do not expect intoxication after overdose Acic ® 200 . Upon single dose of 5 g of acyclovir are not registered symptoms of intoxication. Repeated oral administration of higher doses led to adverse reactions Digestive system – nausea , vomiting and CNS – headache, confusion . In case of overdose or strengthening of side effects , please consult your doctor.

If you take less than the prescribed dose Acic 200 tablets or you forget to take the product ?

Please continue treatment Acic ® 200 as prescribed ( please do not take more often or more tablets). If you forgot a few times or you take less than the prescribed amount Acic ® 200 , please consult your doctor.

Need to know if you have discontinued or have it terminated prematurely ?

Even if symptoms are relieved , treatment with Acic ® 200 should be continued as prescribed . If you are not sure – eg . due to the occurrence of side effects , please consult with your doctor before you stopped or advance after your treatment.

Which side effects can cause the application of Acic ® 200 tablets ?

Rarely been observed rash disappeared after discontinuation of the product , and gastrointestinal symptoms such as nausea , vomiting , diarrhea and abdominal pain .

Rarely symptoms related to the nervous system – dizziness, confusion, hallucinations and insomnia. These side effects usually occur in patients with impaired renal function or other diseases.

Rare and of uncertain relationship to Acic ® 200 has been reported thinning hair ( diffuse hair loss) .

Rare cases have been reported fatigue, headache , fatigue and insomnia.

In rare cases have also been reported breathing difficulties . In some cases – reported dizziness hallucinations , which disappears after discontinuation of the product.

Observed were rare and temporary changes in some laboratory parameters of liver , kidney and blood counts (increase in bilirubin , liver enzymes, serum urea and creatinine , and a slight decrease in haematological parameters) .

Observed temporary convulsions and psychosis associated with intravenous acyclovir in complicated clinical situation. ,

If you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.

Tell your doctor if such reactions occur , to allow it to assess the extent and severity and , if necessary, take appropriate measures.

16. Additional Information

Storage Instructions :

Do not use after the expiry date stated on the packaging.

Keep out of reach of children .


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